App Store Screenshots


RGButterfly Logo The main purpose of this App is to suggest matching paint colors for areas of a photo. To get started, click on either the Match Colors or Explore Colors titles or sub-labels on the main App view to display the action buttons (screenshots below). Note also the question mark button (top right) which displays the About page and gear button (bottom right) which takes you to the Settings page.

Main View

Please review the About, Disclaimer, and Credits pages for more background information about the App. For easier use, this initial release comes with a number of features and much of the editing functionality disabled.

Most secondary views, like the ones shown below consistently display the following buttons:

Match Colors

As shown below, after an image is added (screenshot 1) user can perform the following actions:

Clicking on any of the table rows will present a detailed tabular view for that matched area (screenshot 2). The header (first row) shows the tap area thumbnail image rendered using its RGB values and, to the right, the relevant sub-section of the photo for context. The remaining rows show the suggested paint references and/or mix RGB rendered thumbnails and names. Note that tapping any of the arrows below will circle to the next or previous tap area. Tapping the Areas button will switch to Match mode and instead allow user to circle between the Match Methods that can be applied to any tap area.

Finally, as shown in screenshot 3, pressing (not tapping!) any of the row names will color that full row as well as the top header with the RGB values allowing user to scroll and accurately compare swatches side-by-side. Note that tapping, instead of pressing, the row will take you to the detail view for that color.

Color Match Process

Explore Colors

Each action renders a different listing or categorization of the close to 3,600 colors as well as views of saved Matches and Favorites. The image below contains a screenshot section of each listings type, which includes:

In addition to groups or filters, most of these views provide a search and/or alphabetical index for easy filtering.

Explore Colors Examples

Please note: These modified docs are still a work in progress. For questions/comments about this App please email me at

Note: Clicking on this RGButterfly Logo logo will get you back to this main page.