Color Detail Views

RGButterfly Logo The screenshots below show a Reference type detailed view example in Non-Edit mode (in Edit mode, text fields/views become editable and Picker views selectable though current release contains a limited number of fields that are user-editable). The MixAssoc, Generic, and GenericPaint type views contain the same fields but a subset of the data.

The Reference Detail fields include:

The Add Favorite feature, new to this release, allows users to add this color to their My Favorites listing (accessible by clicking the bottom right star button)

The MixAssoc detail view contains only data applicable to the Mix as the reference data associated with each mix component has already been captured. The Name field (usually auto-generated) contains the names of references that go into the mix plus the mix ratio appended to the end.

The Generic detail view contains similar content as the MixAssoc view with the Canvas Coverage and other paint-releated data missing as no paints are involved in creating these types of swatches. By convention, the name has the suffix ‘(Generic)’.

The GenericPaint detail view contains similar content as the Generic one with the Canvas Coverage field present as acrylic paints are the (second-hand) source for these colors. This types is also identified by the ‘GenericPaint’ Association Type and the name suffix ‘(GP)’ in the name.

Reference Detail

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